Jessica Beil and her retardedly jacked body

uh… wow

I’d D her in the A

Pretty easy to look like that when you can throw rediculous amounts of money in a trainers face, and have nothing but free time.

she’d flex her A and break your P right off

Then why aren’t all famous rich people skinny and jacked like that?

At least my P doesn’t burn when I pee.

because they are lazy

like me

she looked better in the texas chainsaw massacre. chicks that ripped scare me a little

the antibiotics cured my P so its safe to abuse your A again

Geez thats pretty scary, I dont like jacked chicks, toned is fine but that is like almost one of those body builder chicks

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lol speaking of ripped people, did anyone else see “the man who’s arm exploded” on A&E a few nights ago? f’d up shit

I’d let her kick my ass

lol cant even recognize ryan reynolds with the beard

That was on a while ago…kinda gross.

oh, yeah I probably caught a rerun

was gross though… don;t know how you could even move with muscles that big

haha…yeah, I was clicking all the attached images, didn’t realize they weren’t all JB…WTF is up with the beard? lol

shes fucking groose!

shoulders and arms are wayyy too big… :tdown: to Jacked Chicks… Now very toned chicks are :tup:

You know that’s not the same broad, right?

After you date a chick that has dude qualities, you are one step away from dating a dude with girl qualities.

yeahh but the first chick im not into either because of her jacked shoulders and arms…ud feel like you were putting your hands all over a man in bed with her if u were hitting it from behind