Mr/Ms Buffalo Bodybuilding/Figure Pics

This is from the pre-judging at 11:30. Show starts at 6:30pm at UB Center For Performing Arts. Some monsters competing this year, and a shitload of yummy yummy figure girls…

here’s a little teaser pic…

Link to the rest of the pics

wow, just wow… ew.

Figure girls ftw. Well, some of them. Others get scary IMO.

I have some pictures from last years competition (the ex placed in it). I’ll find them for the hell of it. lol

There were some sexy, sexy girls there last year.

Another little teaser

^ that is not sexy, IMO

some of those girls have cute faces but jacked and hot doesn’t go together imo. athletic and abs are one thing but yikes.

is that a bulge i see on the right?

[quote=]a shitload of yummy yummy figure girls [/quote] = ban


looks like Paulie Shore on steroids.

very unappealing

:barf: go eat a pizza and stop tanning

that shit is just plain gross, what girl/woman would do that to themself thinking with a clear mind, even if she was a dike…

is that last gurl a guy lol

i think so and hes/shes not doing a good job hiding it lol

thank you i am now going to have nightmares

^^^lit’s living proof why chicks shouldnt take steroids. There’s a couple THINGS at my gym like that. Takes a couple minuites to figure out what they really are .

Yikes! i feel like if they gave someone a HJ they would remove the guys package from his body.


there is a girl at my work that use to or still does body build…i is scared of her she is a beast:ohnoes:

its scary because when they have sex, they have sex with you… you don’t have sex with them