Jessica Simpson is... WOW (SemiNWS bikini?)




WTF. is she preggers? Her boobs got way bigger too. geez.

this is the first disaster i’m blaming on Obama.

ugh i woulda been much happier in life had i not opened this thread…nor looked at any recent pics of her…

like evry hot chick from highschool when they hit the mid twentys the blow up


ew, but we all know she will get all self concsious and go crazy when she starts hearing all thr rumors and seeing the tabloid covers. Then she will starve herself and hire a 400 dollar an hour personal trainer, and she will drop down to 90 pounds. Just like every other female celebrity who gets fat.

WTF. Everyone is getting fat


What a pig.

Not preggers she blamed it on her “touring sleep schedule combined with lots of fast food”

That’ll do it. AMERICA FUCK YEAH


this is why the cowboys cant have nice things…

like a playoff birth

No, she looks like she is going to give birth to the playoffs

What the hell???

God damn…

Romo got tricked.