Jessica Simpson is... WOW (SemiNWS bikini?)

holy shit… she let herself go.

with that said, I’d still JO on her lol

Its the american way to get fat


damn she definantly got fatzos…but i think the outfit is making it worse!!! when she loses all the weight mayb her boobs will stay hugorz

always hated her anyways… she is way too stupid to find her attractive regardless.

shes not actually stupid, it was her role on the shows and how she is portrayed thru everything

BUT HOLY FUCK THAT IS DISCUSTING. i dont think i would have a problem if i didnt know what she looked like before

i’m willing to bet she’s not smarter than a 5th grader, I don’t care if she played it up for the shows, she’s not a bright one.


lollll… she def doesnt look like she used to… and some of the responses in this thread from most of you make me laugh, cause when it comes down to it, 98% of the people on here would still stick it in her.

she’s becoming more uglier. always hated her as well.

+1 and I hate her mouth, theres something about it that reminds me of a camel or something… from the neck down wasn’t anything to complain about before.

from a few weeks ago

holy fucking camel toe!

Most disturbing, she now requires two belts to hold her gut back…

jesus christ thats fucking terrible

that zipper looks like its a yard long! Jesus those are fat soccer mom jeans!

glad to be in that 2% then… she honestly repulses me lol

Say it aint so… :frowning:

Eh oh well, plenty of hot girls out there. Blake Lively anyone? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d still hit it out of principle. I’d just hope that those are shitty clothes and shitty pictures. :ohnoes:

I’d still hit it…more cushion for the pushin.