Jiggsy Built ..


Cant get blamed for not tightening if you dont put them in in the first place! Jiggs take notes

Alright, looks like its time for me to let the cat out of the bag…

Jiggs designed, machined and installed my rear differential mount…

Well all know the outcome of that


I never touched your car

jiggs, you know what a condom is?

It was pitch black I couldn’t see lol


Oh really jiggs?


Im just bustin i dont give a fuck, who knows whos telling the true side of the story anymore… You get waht you pay for.

bahahahahaah enhance!!!

Now i know why he smokes all the custom hondas, theyve been built by jiggsy.:ninja

Whats funny is… the whole “yah get what you pay for” saying, is just another way for saying he does shitty work. K20 doesn’t pay for any of the labor done on his car… but it gets done right. As krazy kid said… if your gonna do something, do it right.


hes not peoples personal mechanic he wants to hangout in the garage with friends and work on cars, like most guys do. Hes not in bussiness, try paying him to do something maybe this will yeild better results.

I really doubt it, because he has literally no concept of money.

i love joe jiggs


Yetti VR has yet to recieve payment for his help in my cars, my brothers truck, other peoples cars him and I worked on, I am sure Adam, JVG, Big Red, Eliot… will step in here too. Kiid does good work, takes his time and treats the cars like they are his own.

Sole reason he is one of VERY FEW, that will ever put a wrench to anything I own.


I take that back, we pay him in beer and pizza too.



money says its a duplicate IP from a prior member on here. If Shift518 Dr. Phill cant be here… neither can this guy.