Job at a Casino?

When I was at the casino the other night I realized I wanted to learn how to become a dealer. Does anyone know someone who works at the US one and is a dealer?

How do you get started? I dont think this is a job you just walk in and say, Hi I would like to deal poker.

Any information would be great about training and how to get started.

you have to attend dealer school its like a 6 week class they offer it at NCCC and a few other places you should be able to find it with a simple search on the ole google

there is a school on elmwood, its like 300 bucks or something.

My best friend worked at Greektown in Detroit. You apply for a job, they interview you, and if you pass they send you off to be trained. You get your license and that’s pretty much it.

The big thing is being really good with numbers in your head. When he’d tell me about all the math he was doing in his head on a busy table I had my doubts that my calculator using ass could ever do it.

You can make some serious money though, especially if you’re a hard worker and move up the ranks.

Ok great. I was gonna call Seneca today and see how its going. I know you prolly start in a shitty area maybe stacking chips but I love being around people, good with numbers in my head, and it will prevent me from going there to gamble :slight_smile:

goto vegas then, billion times more money to be made there than this shithole.


Ok great. I was gonna call Seneca today and see how its going. I know you prolly start in a shitty area maybe stacking chips but I love being around people, good with numbers in my head, and it will prevent me from going there to gamble :slight_smile:


I have a friend who deals black jack you dont start stacking chips…if you get the job which isnt simple by any means they give you a probationary period where you get the terrible shift 3am to 11am i believe then after 6 months you move to the better hours assuming you are good at the job


I have a friend who deals black jack you dont start stacking chips…if you get the job which isnt simple by any means they give you a probationary period where you get the terrible shift 3am to 11am i believe then after 6 months you move to the better hours assuming you are good at the job


Is his expierence going with what everyone is saying? They interview you and if you get the job they send you off to training or is it different here?


yea give them a call if they want to hire you they will send you to school pay for it etc… or you can grab a wnyjob finder and there are ads in there where if you pay for the class at NCCC they will hire you on the spot as long as you pass/complete the class.

On a side note the money is very good…

^ define very good?


^ define very good?


he was making btw $17-30 dollars an hour depending on how the week was.

you have to take in to consideration that all the tips are polled btw all the dealers so on a busy week you make more than on a slow week.

ok i work there … i am a security guard… only problem with being a dealer is that after school ur not guarented a job they may call u in like 5 months after for a part time only. the more game u learn the more u get paid… they bitch they dont make enough but im pretty sure they do just fine

it took my friend a couple months to work there after back round checks and everythingelse.He wasent even a dealer.

yes also true after u are hired it backs 2 months to evan start working maybe less it took me about 1 just depends on how much shit u have on ur record

You also need a gaming license I imagine. At the casino I work at you do, but its a NYS facility not a Seneca.

go to Vegas and look for a job
hotties all over the place and if what they show on TV is accurate you always get into cool adventures and hot women are constantly throwing themselves at you

Yeah, I hope you have a GREAT criminal background because to get a gaming license they don’t want to see anything show up. Also they’re right… Vegas dealers make between 50-100k a year depending on what casino you’re at and what shifts you work.


go to Vegas and look for a job
hotties all over the place and if what they show on TV is accurate you always get into cool adventures and hot women are constantly throwing themselves at you


Vegas def. pays more. Even cocktail waitresses at the big 5 casinos make over 100K a year, but you need breast implants.:smiley:

well i been throught the process of becoming a dealer. i went ot school 3 years ago coast me 700$. you start off dealing black jack (EASY) you think the math is alot it really is nothing once you deal for a week you dont even add you just see the same numbers over and over and its just second nature. it took me 3 years to get into the casino as a dealer. the pay is pretty good you make 5.15 a hour and i have never seen the toke(tip) rate go under 14 so thats 19 a hour right there. THe process is you go to school. you need to pass school. then you are allowed to apply at the casino. then if they want you. you have to pass a audition and interview then your in. and the grave shift starting out thing is not true i started out on swing shift.