go for the article / video, but stay for the comments mostly (OMG)
and what kind of name is “Quannel X”
“0usa00000000. GET OFF THE PLANET Please. Oh by the way I have worked TWO JOBS MOST OF MY LIFE AND HAVE 90 COLLEGE CREDIT HOURS. ATTEMPTED 150 CREDIT HOURS. SO KISS IT. No you Won’tt see me at the job fair. I have never been at one. HA HA.”
“vmgodfrey HAVE YOU OVERCOME YOURSELF YET??? mofomusic, NO EVERYONE HAS NOT STUCK CHEMICALS UP THEIR NOSE, ETC. Is that why some criminals commit crimes because they think EVERYONE DOES IT AND DOESN’T GET CAUGHT? I come from a family of SAINTS. Really No one in the history of my family has ever been arrested except my dear departed town drunk brother. And who’s at war and why? Better rethink that one.”