This lucky dothead…

But seriously india looks fucking gorgeous

You gain some weight brah?

Hes been walking up mountains and shit :rofl

In for pics of Singh in traditional Indian garments.

yea it looks mad good i went to so many places in the last week alone i cant even explain , been to about 5? hotels in the last 7 days just got off the train an hour ago and went to every important place so far almost…

what an experience ! cant even understand unless you are here !

india looks good but also looks a billion times worse than any place you seen in america in most parts , i took alot of pics of that too you wont even believe some of this shit…


no wieght gained lol people tellin me i look skinnier LOL

and sorry for my spelling and shit this laptop keyboard is SUKH !

i wore an american suit to the wedding other than that i been wearing my own clothes, i might get an indian suit tailored while im here, costs a few grand, but should be under 50 bucks still…

btw they got weed growing in the ditches and in random places here LOL and u smell it from time to time haha, some big healhy plants too !

ur in Mexico right?

WTF bring me back some india weed :excited

yea the aztecs built that shit

+1 bring some of that shit back and we can all have happy times

Stfu you nub


:rofl me and meena were signing jocking dave singh at rankins saturday … i had that stuck in my head for a good 2-3 hours.

damn dude, looks like a fun time, and the weather looks amazing

jockin jockin!

Hahahaha so Singh are you going to be in slumdog millionaire 2 while you’re there?

+1 upstate ny winter FTL

that scares me, but what else can i expect from my two biggest gay fans

LOL j/k man

yea ! fun time is right, the weather down in agra/ dehli / jaipur is very hot, at night its still warm as hell and in the day its actually too much…

up here , in punjab the weather is sweet… like 50-55 at night and 70 ish in the day, its perfect to me… its always alot hotter in the day than the night time, i mean its like that anywhere, but it seems the difference is larger here… maybe its the time of year idk

today is the best day so far cuz today is the first day i took a real legit shit, and it wasnt some soppy watery shit, i had the shits for a week straight and it was bullshit, now i think its all gone and i feel better hahaha

oh shit and btw i chilled with some californian white people !! hahaa met some surfers in jaipur who came up from the beaches in goa (or whatever the spelling is) , so i chilled with them at the bar and shit was pretty funny to meet some random cali peeps in india !

and idk if i already said it but i randomly met a friend from the UK in one of the bars here in india LOL