Joe Hardy Files for Divorce

They both disgust me. 20 something marrying 80 something is just gross, for both of them. I don’t have anything else to say about those degenerates.

Joe hardy is my hero if he can get away with marrying a girl 60+yrs younger than him than kudos.


she’s in it for the money and he’s in it for the fact he can go around and tell his country club buddies he is fucking a 20 year old girl. They both get what they want, I see no problem with that.




hahaha this girl is from the uniontown area i now a girl that dated Mrs 84’s brother

Doesn’t have enough money to buy out whitey. Don’t be silly.

I heard she was caught givin hand jobs in the bathroom…From a gooooood source.

Waiting for nude pics of ex-wife to surface.

She is smokin’ hot. 2 mil to him is like 100 bucks to us common folk.

No one thinks he was paying her to fuck some dude while he watched??

as did I but I heard it wasnt hand jobs…lol

I saw his Ex last night at sweeneys…lol she is a special one. he found her filling condom dispensers in truck stop restrooms. he pics the winners that is for sure

Apparently money doesn’t buy class or discernment.

nope but it does buy whores

why even pay her? infidelity by the wife should be an automatic no no for money

That’s probably cheaper for him than going through a court battle.

The tv news report the other night said she was getting a dime.

i would publicly humiliate her…or have her bumped off.

sam you would definalty fuck debbie, as would I for a piece of that cash. fuck dude i would fuck her for 3k, didnt mark fuck her? lmfao