Joe Rogan is truly a badass.

he was a dental hygenist most recently and a sound stage coordinator for concerts in the 60/70’s. never worked in a factory. lived out in the country…

i need cliff notes

people that are never exposed to smoke a day in their lives still get lung cancer. Ur assumption is pretty ridiculous.

go back and re-read how i worded it. comprehension is NOT your friend.

I think you should read it again

Theres somthin you dont know about me Joe Rogan…

i think this is what you need to focus on.

I think a good beer is way better and all that ufc he is funy shit too

you are still relating smoking pot to “stage 5” lung cancer :retardclap

perhaps we need this man in questions genome so we can see if its coded to be pre-disposed to lung cancer. we are arguing over the unknown lol. all of you ftl.:rofl

and if you dont automatically follow the OBVIOUS correlation there then your more retarded than terri schiavo

she’s dead you idiot

are you honestly that dense?

“this man has no penis” :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

I’m as retarded as a person that has been dead for almost 4 years… yeah, good one!

LOL Jealous of what, a 45 IQ? Guy is certifiably mentally retarded and his commentating for UFC is a little…slow…

5 oclock shadow, muscles, fame.

I dunno, how am I suppose to know what you are jealous of? :slight_smile:

def not. Mike Goldberg is the retard.

think “constant vegetative state”… thats how rediculous you are about this.

dude stop trying. it was the worst comparison evar. :clap