Joe Rogan is truly a badass.


hardly. :retardclap


Totally 100 percent not true.

here we go :rofl

Obviously you are going to defend weed (judging by your past posts), but the reality of it is that weed destroys lives and families just like other drugs do…

ahhhhhh good pun! +rep

maybe if someone in the family is anti-weed like yourself.

if weed fucks up your life, chances are your life was already well on it’s way to being fucked.

To totally play devils advocate… So does alcohol but I can go out and buy as much as I want any time I want.

Alcohol is very easily regulated, tested for, and leaves no lasting effects. even if alcohol was worse for you than pot, that still is not an argument for why pot should be legal.

What do you mean alcohol leaves no lasting effects?

Meaning if I take a shot tonight, tomorrow night there is no sign of it in my body.

THC on the other hand never leaves your brain.

Follicles of your hair can out you years after you take a hit.

The bottom line is that both substances are ‘bad’ for you. It’s a toss up which one is physically worse for you…

The whole deal is about growing up to me. How old do you have to get before you realize that acquiring an illegal substance for your own personal pleasure is childish?

Pot will NEVER be legal. The gov’t will never put the money into testing it. I’m an aircraft mechanic, and I’m not allowed to consume alcohol 8 hours prior to going to work. How do you determine how many hours before work that I can smoke a joint?

you think if someone who was clean, totally sober, took one bong rip and got high, that they wouldn’t pass a screening? and that it would show up in their hair?


It’s immature that a grown up has to worry about passing a drug test.

you do know our own government grows and tests marijuana to this day, has been for literally tens of years.

you anti-marijuana guys are hypocrites.

you think going to a bar, getting wasted and flashing your cock doesn’t have lasting effects?

you ever had a hangover from alcohol? I’ve never had a hangover because I was high.

I think it’s immature to rely on an illegal substance for fun once you grow up. Call me whatever you want, I don’t care, I’ve tried to understand the other side of the story but I can’t.

holy shit your stupid. Next year I’ll be administering drug tests to people that think they’re smart like you. :number1

That’s all about priorities, I smoke, sure, but I don’t base my life around it.

If my job says don’t smoke, we’ll test you, you better believe I’m not smoking.

Just because someone smokes pot doesn’t revert them back to adolescence and they magically lose all responsibility, I personally know more than a handful of habitual users who not only smoke, but smoke often…some I suspect more often than me even, and I really don’t have a whole lot to lose.

I have personally seen someone get tricked while highly intoxicated already into taking a monster bong rip the DAY BEFORE going to Albany for a screening to work at an area company.

Like, they had literally never smoked weed before, so this was one huge rip as they had no idea what to expect, she nearly vomited.

Passed the screening either the next day or the day after. Urine screening, not hair. I don’t think it would show up that fast in a hair test but I have no idea.