Jolt cola(and other sodas and such)

Hey, guys? I’m fallin asleep here at my desk and I wana go buy a Jolt cola can, but heres my problem: the last one I bought tasted nasty. I’m trying to avoid that this time. Which color can is the normal tasting one, like a regular cola, or at least has a normal flavor. The last one was varnish, i believe.
BTW any other soda/cola fans out there? I am.

Don’t drink sodas anymore, just energy drinks and coffee personally.

Used to be into sprite before though.

Most of Jolt tastes iffy at best, not sure how you can like any of their flavors. :confused

I LOVE Ramune sodas. Theyre so good. The flavor isnt strong like american soda. Its nice and smooth, plus the bottles are awesome and have that marble in them and the shape in general is kool. I’ve got a couple sitting here at my desk. I need to go buy a case of each flavor and just store it here under my desk. I should bring a camera here and take a photo of the stockpile of empty cans I got here. heh, i bought a few cases when they were on sale and killed it all in like a two week period. Theres 6 12 pack’s worth of cans sitting here. all emty though, i need to go to price chopper with that and get some money for more soda. OH! also, there is this one soda my friend gave me a can of. it’s from Taiwan. This has to be one of the best sodas i’ve ever had. It’s a yellow can with a picture of an apple on it and says “apple sidra” its apple soda. red apple flavor. ive heard numerous people refer to it as “happiness in a can”. after tasting it, i concur! heres what it looks like

heres a couple of ramune bottles
This is lychee flavored, which is a nice tasting little fruit. pronounced “lai-chee”
Heres a melon ramune

dude youre such a jdm queer, ditch the audi and move to japan or something for gods sake.

this thread is epic fail.

:lol because i like jdm soda?

Jdm soda, stickers, characters, people, shirts, air freshener, candy, vagina, car wax, like everything you have must come from Japan :rofl

my car wax is american. my boost gauge is jdm too, AW DAMNIT! i AM a jdm whore! :headbang

This thread fails. :fail

But I would like to share that I stopped drinking soda/energy drinks and I find myself more awake and having less headaches (when there is a lack of caffeine)

im actually not big on energy drinks. i like sodas, but i dont drink them for caffeine. i like the taste. btw, coke or pepsi, guys? me personally, i dont care, i drink either one.
i got a blue can of jolt. its okay, its not great. its about average, or a smidge below, but i’ll make do. i also got 4 bottles of 7UP Cherry. When I was at GT Live, we drove to town and got a bottle of Cheerwine. Thats a really good black cherry soda. Try some if u get the change and u like cherry flavored sodas.

One caffeine free soda I have been drinking lately is that Sierra Mist Cranberry or something? idk it’s the red Sierra Mist, SOO GOOD!

i SAW that in the store. isnt it that one that was out on xmas for a short time?


buy some rockstar energy drinks…/end thread

i tried the pomegranate one. bleh! i generally like pomegranate itself, plus the soda i had at xmas time last year was great, but not the rockstar one. i kinda like the taste of it, but i like it with a LOT of ice in it. theres a lotta sugar in that, needs to kinda be diluted just a bit, for my taste

I have noticed that about Rockstar, VERY sweet so the ice thing does make it pretty enjoyable.
I try not to drink more than one sodea/coffee/energy drink a day. Too much caffeene just absolutely kills me.

the regular cola tasting is the red one to anwser ur orginal question

ahhhh, thank you. how is it in general?

Drink Jolt Cola, support NY’s economy. :tong