JuicedGT...No longer "juiced"...

Estorvito: Bring it with ya next time you come over. BTW, fuckiN’ rotors are kick asS

Glad you like the rotors! i told you it was a sweet deal :tup:
Car will be down for a while…its in a million pieces right now…i have to put it back together the way it was so i can get it to my friends shop and tear it all apart again, should be back up by early march is all goes as planned.

camarojoe: I’ll run ya.

You know the snky snky

sure…why not…add me to the list. should be interesting…vids will be taken :tup:
your car will pass everything but a gas station…so, if im lucky, you will run out of gas half way through the run and i can pass ya :lol: