Street cred yo
Instant gratification for yourself, for making a lol on a public forum
5oz of heroin and 2 dead hookers courtesy of Elliot
BTW, “BECAUSE RACE CAR” Does not count :lol
Edit yes i realize its photoshopped but im in b4 blown engine :lol
because 4 wasnt enough over kill.
because twin turbo’s didn’t blow out the apex seals quick enough
That is a HUGE washer fluid reservoir!
in debt from cost of turbos 4 lyfe!
If the engine ain’t flooded half of the time, It should do 5 gallons to a mile.
Rotory Power. An answer to a question that nobody asked. :rofl
“talk about trying to compensate for something…”
Mazda; Zoom-Zoom-Zoom-Zoom-Zoom-Zoom
I’m here for the gangbang…of your apex seals
Paul Walker impersonator.
Compression… Every Rotary engines dream.
“well it was either this or throw the money into a wood chipper… i think i made the wrong decision”