June 14th Dunn Tire Raceway

any more pics? was the Rod and Piston gang there?? I couldnt make it.

Those were the only two pictures I snapped because that was the only car I deemed picture worthy.

We didn’t get to make it due to a previous committment, but hopefully someone did snap a bunch of pics and will upload them to our site.

If anyone has a bunch of pics, PM me and I’ll give you the link to upload.

i thought it was pretty fun. big ups to mike for putting the show on and letting the drifters get out and do there thing.
it was the first time for dave with the s13 with the white front end. and it was kens first time on a track like that. i thought they did pretty good. the camera crew on the track was gay as fuck cuz that was the best area to drift at.
its a shame the turn out was so so. most of you complained about the 20 dollar entrance fee, but im willing to bet most of u that go to s&r spend twenty bucks a nite if u go to drag and have a couple beers

cause drifting is lame and nobody cares about it :gotme:

six cylinder turbo heavy automatics are flaming gay. and lots of people care about drifting i had a whole crew of people helping me out with my car at the event that i did not even know and i’m sure jay is right you guys that like flooring your car in a straight line do definatly spend about 20 bucks each wednesday night at s and r cruise between overpriced beer in plastic bottles and over priced drag racing. drifting was free all day and the most fun anyone can ever have, but you guys who hate on drifting don’t know enough about your own cars to floor them sidways or how to even work on them. an aftermarket intake, exhaust and rims do not make your cars race cars i thought i should just put that out there too. DRIFTSET BITCH!!!



Everyone has there own thing. Quit hating on other peoples good times.

actually, articzap kinda said what i was going to… you can’t “force” what you like onto other people… i mean you enjoy it so have at it , have a good time! but don’t start then bitching at other people because they aren’t doing it too. ya know?

haha dude u have no clue, really

fucking n00bs

Drifting? please…i gaurentee i can go sideways, tie up the dragstrip for an hour and make an ass of myself just as well as anyone else.

I also challenge you on your point of " an aftermarket intake, exhaust and rims do not make your cars race cars" … I bet my bottom dollar that my car or any Ls1 with those things will whoop the snot out of your “race car”

in conclusion :fail:

why don’t you come to the next drift event so you can show me your garantee of going sideways because i garantee you’ll just spin out, but i know you’ll have fun trying. and the quote about the rims, exhaust and intake is because i’m sick of these kids always trying to race me in their pretty much stock civics, cavaliers… and other cars like them with simple bolt on accessories and then they race around everywhere and there cars turn to shit. but they can never figure out why its shit. btw drifting is the fastest growing motorsport and buffalonians just have not got the nac for it yet.

Dunn Tire needs to pave the outside parking lot and let us use it as a skid pad on select days.

You sir are a fucking moron and hopefully will be wrapped around a tree soon. Congrats for being a ignorant noob who knows nothing about this board.Instead you stereotype everyone as unintellegent because they dont like spinning around in circles.No one said drifting sucked.They said you sucked at it.

I’m trying to stay impartial and in the middle of both sides. True, he came off a bit strong but at the same time so are you. Drifting takes practice.

Lets just all get along!

and yet 99% of NYSpeed does the exact same about their preferred choice of “racing”. Cus if you dont go to track days or drag, you’re a noob or should be banned


I have been trying to figure this out

Whats with the majority of Buffalo drifters being wanna be “gangster” kids :lol:

Any one have insight on this?

Too much F&F

now why did u have to say that??? someone is always trying to start shit. u n LZ should start a club of extrodinary dbags. i was just trying to shout out mike for letting us do our thing because its awesome we got to use local facilities. we normally have to drive in excess of three hours to just do what we like. and at least ken has the balls to clutch kick on the track. if all you people think u can do it how come your not out there?!?!?!?! you could have drifted for free we had ten spots. and i dont wanna hear about tires because we didnt even know the guy with the s13 with the white front end and we gave him 4 tires to burn off gp.

BUT ANYWAY> thanks to everyone who made it possible the whole day was fun (not just the drifting) the models were hot sportin the suislide gear, thanks

league of extraordinary dbags would have been better. I do like the approach though.

C+ for the poor follow through