June 14th Dunn Tire Raceway

I was just stating my opinion, no biggie. I never said i could drift, i could actually care less about drifting, matter of fact id rather poke holes in my eyes than drift.

Drift all you want…into oncoming traffic for all I care…I would also like to clarify I think drifting is cool but I think drifting as an organized “sport” is stupid as fuck…

I just wanted to know why the requirements for drifting in Buffalo includes trying to be gangster :lol:

Before you think I am picking on you all Mustang owners are assholes…and all 3rd gen F-body owners are white trash…

Oh yea


then y did u open your mouth and say it was lame there was no need.

HA ken is no where close to being a gangster he is the most straight up kid i kno.
u seem the one trying to be ganster, and if u care less about drifting stop talking shit and jacking this thread up. u seem to jack everyones thread with your dumb ass statements
btw doesnt ur girl work at autoplace??? tell her i said what up.

You asked why nobody showed up to drift, and I told you. Simple, not that hard to comprehend.

if u learn how to read u would understand i was talking about the overall turn out.
i could care less how many people show up to drift, as long as driftset gets to drift im happy.

in for buttsex… and were is the pic of all the sluts



Well I am sorry but if the site is nyspeed.speed being the main word do you think car shows are a major point?

lets see no hood, can we make fun of that?

or is that what drifters do.

:lol: @ the models buffalo is so small

REALLY are u two dbags done yet? you two clowns need to stop talking. its because of people like you ignorant fucks that makes car shows like this not have a good turn out when it could have easily been the biggest one of the year.

Yeah its us that made this show lame, did you ever think that nobody around here is into drifting???, ever think of that?, and dont ever call me an ignorant fuck again, you dont know me.

There is plenty of people around here that are in to drifting, just no spots to do it. WNY needs a spot we can use.

No one would be in to Auto-X if there was no more spots to do it at.

ok i wasnt sure, but he shouldent be blaming us for no one showing up lol

Biggest ricer car show of the year :headbang:

Kevin I think its impressive the two of us killed attendance for this major car show…

Don’t make us ruin another one!

Thats because the overall interest in drifting as a sport is low…If there was demand for organized events and it was profitable there would be places to drift…

u guys are deff dumb. im not even talking about people comming out to drift!
it was a car show/drag racing/drifting/stunt bikes. ignorant ass bitches. dont you learn reading comprehension in like 2nd grade???

who the fuck are you to be calling me dumb?, and as far as reading comprehension, might want to take spelling comprehension.

I said it before this went down, they had like 6 drifters at lancaster, like 5 years ago, and 3 of them were trying to ebrake slide thier FWD’s

all they did was drift the inside circle a few times, hardly impressive.
I knew this show wasnt going to net much more.