June 4/5 Edinburgh Autocross

I wanted torun but after seeing that video I dont think I would have a front bumper after.

youd prolly be fine but even if you go and decide not to run you’ll have a good time watching.

I can’t stop laughing everytime I look at it lol. Poor JB…embarrassing.

ill be there. If i can find it

I’ll be there.

RamAir, follow the directions. Its easy.

Cliffs car hits pretty damn fast times with him driving it, in stock trim. I rode with him. Damn fun ride.

I hope Andy Furlong shows up. He is a good guy to learn from and watch.

Yeah he has really good summer tires and brake pads though.


My summer tires are still cheaper than the factory tires… lol. And ya the brake pads make people shit themselves going into the hairpin.

im going sat

is that old bag with the 280z gonna be there? he loves that shit

^ Bruce is always there drifting lol

Andy’s Integra was at the tire shop down the street…so I’m guessing he’s going to be there making everyone look slow.

F the Town of Edinburgh and everything they stand for.

Wait…WHAT ? ? ? ?

What the hell? I took my Aveo out onto this damn course and you couldn’t even fit two of THOSE side by side, let alone two and a HALF of something not the size of an overgrown beer can…I just realized you wrote this…I must beg to differ, good sir…

My partying is seriously cutting into my seat time :rofl

Lol thats just what I remember.

Slept right through this shit, hope y’all are havin a good time!

Third run done. 1:14.777

ran a best time of 124 today and it was my first time. very happy

Saw absolutely no shit talkers there that are awesome racecar drivers.

Where’s all the shit talkers at??? 2 day event and no one comes? Ernie shows… people can dish it but can’t back shit up.

I’ve revoked their shit talking privileges indefinitely. Especially Caz as he posted in Ern’s thread about it, essentially challenging him, and then blames his “partying” for not showing up. I give permission to neg-bomb him LOL.

rep abuse but huge fail on my part :Idiots