just a thank you to GSTairs

Not sure how she and B.B.and E. did it, but they got my wifes 61 in a 45 work zone reduced to-------- $0, no points, no school!!!:smiley: :smiley:
I highly recommend them
Thanks again

lol details

Brick, Brick & GStairs!! :tup:


OMG! thats awesome what is their fee?

I just had to take Andrea out to lunch.Seemed like a fair deal.j/k Mr X:D
Very fair price and I would just say PM Her for info.

very cool


I just had to take Andrea out to lunch.Seemed like a fair deal.j/k Mr X:D
Very fair price and I would just say PM Her for info.


Why are you kidding, it’s this way I don’t have to pay for lunch. :smiley:


:clap: nice work

Bookmarked for when I do something stupid. Notice I said “when”, not “if”. :slight_smile:


round of :clap:

Andrea = bestest

Andreas such a criminal…



Andreas such a criminal…



what better place to hide…?

:clap: andrea :clap:

hey i need help .with a tickit.real bad…who do i pm and how much is it …

do i pm GSTairs and just say i need help

1st you have to pm X and make sure it is ok to pm her:ohnoes:

Yeah I have nothing to say but :tup:

Your welcome :slight_smile: I feel that I work work with a bunch of really decent lawyers!!