just an E34 M5 drifting an entire city

all driving not done on closed roads.


this guy is a cunt.

prooooooobably not the smartest thing to do but wow that guy has skills and luck

I probably would have left my license plate out of it, lol.

There’s not a thing I don’t like about this video, except for the fact that it is too long.

Glad nobody got killed :slight_smile:

Jesus. The person running across the street in the beginning.

I would have thought this was way sicker when i was 18.

Meh, foreign country and something foolish to look at. It’s like watching ghostrider videos or someone go-karting a highway offramp. Great watch, not something i’d do.

(i still think it’s pretty sick tho)

well they should have enough information to bust him…

he probably is the cop.

imagine how much more boring this video would be if that car were AWD.

Nice to watch, not nice to try.

meh, there are nicer drifts, technically, but that’s pretty bad ass. I want an m5 someday.

that video made me nervous. :confused:


would have loved it 10 years ago, now i just watch it hoping they dont kill someone else

Looks like my morning commute.

meanwhile in Russia…

yea, I know. It was rushed.

anyways, fuck riding passenger with someone doing that.