Just dyno'd 440WHP - 2003 Evo

Hi guys,

Just had my Evo dyno 440WHP on a Mustang dyno. For comparisons sake, a brand new M5 rated at 500hp from the factory does less than 370WHP on this low reading mustang dyno.

I was wondering if there are any AWD dynojets that are local to our area? I’d just like to hop on one and see how far over 500WHP I would make on it.

Click here for more info on my cars dyno & mods:


Basically just a few bolt-on’s, stock turbo with modified wheels, stock block, E-85 @ 28psi. Daily driver.


pretty good numbers for Red man! where did you dyno?? the only awd dynos that i know of around here but not really are moon performance, icsperformance in CT, and KTR in mass.

any pics of the car??

is this the same art that used to have a 1.8t jetta a few years back?
FP red is an awesome turbo.

Where abouts are you located?

The closest awd dynos are in jersey or Connecticut

Here’s a few pics. I try to keep it stock looking and debadged for the clean look…


God shining down. Adds 10WHP:


Smokin’ some E-85 at idle:

nice ride dude!

hanging out in my neck of the woods.

I dyno’d at CBRD down in PA

Yup, same Art. Who is this?

Schenectady area

Thats what I thought… sucks.

Youre in the schdy area alot? I see the car around alot in the nice weather, looks good, and nice #'s

pm sent.

There is another blue evo that looks like mine that has tinted windows in this area. I drive by him alot on the way to work. I’ve had people come up to me and tell me I tried to race them in the past… but it must have been him.

its tinted like an hks exhaust, young guy drives it. i was with AMD IS THE BEST in his S4 and we were trying to get him to play but he wouldnt get on it, just would go by us when we hit traffic.

Rofl!!! god shinning down +10 hp

Very nice car.


There’s a handful in the area fitting that description. I have two customers(Paul and Shawn) that have BBY colored Evo’s with tint, Eric Smith(EJEvo) is the same minus the tint. Popular color amongst the 03-04 cars, but a good one at that. Paul is young kid, doesn’t like to race too much.

Car looks good and another good red build/tune. The folks @ CBRD are good guys too. Next time Joe B. drops his MR off here for more work(rear diff) I’ll give you a ring and we’ll compare cars. Similar power running 3076R twin scroll, stock block, ~30lbs, meth injection, etc. Evo’s are just too damn fun!

Yeah wasn’t me. I’m debadged with red tail lights and Buschur 3" catless exhaust. Only other thing that doesnt look stock is the huge FMIC. Otherwise its pretty discrete.

If I am pushing it, you’ll know. I have an open wastegate dump directly under the car that opens at ~15psi and its the loudest sh!t you’ve ever heard. Serious cop magnet…

You’ll also know its me when I floor it at 30MPH and just spin 4 tires until 60mph. Second gear is useless right now, even on dry roads. I’ve had the car for a week and havent bothered going over 2k rpm in 1st. That’d be a tire roaster.

i was talking about the kid with the BBYB evo…
yours looks good, just gotta fix the 03 fade on the brakes
what clutch do you have?

Wait…did i run you at the lot last year? I met a kid from NJ that was moving up here, and he had a sick blue evo…