Wow, that’s a really good fixed rate. How long has their lock in rate been set at .48?
I doubt anyone locking in at .48 is going to lose much money because rates drop below that but with the oil market crashing and how that will spin off to the energy market as a whole who knows where gas prices will be 6 months from now.
The fixed rate has been 0.487 since November I believe. They may adjust the fixed rate in January. I was on a 0.557 fixed last year and did well, and renewed just last week at the 0.487. I can’t argue with you about what may happen to the market, so I was just looking for some price security. If you want to talk shop, shoot me an email:
I have to say I’m tempted to lock in at this rate. With oil’s crash and US natural gas exports set to pick up in 2015 I’m just not sure which way the market is going to go. Probably dumb not to lock in because the chances of it dropping significantly from this current price are a lot smaller than the chances of it going up significantly.