-Fixed rate for 12 monthly billing cycles
-44.900¢ /CCF
The electric sound like an alright deal, but I feel like I should cancel the gas, and have my meter read instead of estimated, then do the budget plan.
Thoughts? I’m a first time home owner, so I could use some advice.
We submit gas readings every other month on some sort of plan. Provider is Noco through the assistance of scott @Scott. I’d assume it’s one of those shitty companies that has been mentioned before
As you can see the current rates are well below your 44.900 fixed rate. I’m assuming they mean .44900 not the 44.900 you posted otherwise your first gas bill will be about the value of your house.
Will .44900 be a good rate come winter? Who knows. My money is on natural gas prices not going up any time soon though. The economists go back and forth all the time about tiny fluctuations but the big picture is fracking has brought a glut of natural gas to the US market and I don’t see that changing for the near future.
Electric, I have no idea. I looked at my bill and it’s so convoluted I’m not sure what I’m paying per KWH
Basic Service (not including usage) 17.00
Delivery 0.04796 x 612 kWh 29.35
Incr State Assessment 0.00026 x 612 kWh 0.16
SBC/RPS 0.007895 x 612 kWh 4.83
Legacy Transition Chrg -0.000553 x 612 kWh -0.34
RDM -0.00003484 x 612 kWh -0.02
Transmission Rev Adj -0.00446 x 612 kWh -2.73
Tariff Surcharge 2.04082 % 0.98
I will say seeing a 25 monthly billing cycles and a “free” nest thermostat makes me cringe because nothing is free and I’m sure they’re getting their money back and more on that Nest. If I were going to change my electric to anyone it would be ECA.
I guess it’s all or nothing for the Nest. In the TOC, I can’t have “just” one or the other. Hmm… I wonder if Nation Fuel / Grid would also charge me a fee for stop/start of another energy provider
Here’s a comparison of my bill with ECA vs if I was still with National Fuel. Not as much savings this year as some other years, probably because NG is down across the board.
[TH=“class: bottomborder”]MONTH/YEAR[/TH]
[TH=“class: bottomborder”]TOTAL BILL
[TH=“class: bottomborder”]TOTAL BILL
[TH=“class: bottomborder”]± DIFFERENCE[/TH]
Those prices are high, like, DO NOT DO IT high. Electricity right now is hanging around 4 cents per kwh, they want to lock you in for 2 years at double the price. Electricity pricing changes every second of the day, but for the past few months things have been going well in terms of low energy costs.
If you’re with Direct Energy now, bust outta there ASAP.
This super smooth well dressed darker gentleman came to my house yesterday from Direct Energy, I asked him if he wanted a beer (which he proceeded to put in the inside pocket of his blazer), he convinced me of this that its the SAME thing as normal, pay my bill through National Grid still, but it will be cheaper than normal…Its 7.39cents/kWh for 19mo…I’ve got 3 days to cancel @Scott so this is a definite call up and cancel? I tried to call and cancel already last night after he left and I saw this thread but they were closed.
When a company is sending people door to door to get you to lock into a rate for the next 1-2 years do you think that company is expecting rates to go up or down?
Or to put it another way. Remember when gas prices and electric prices were going up up up and all the salesmen were knocking on your door trying to get you to lock in a rate before the prices went up more? Yeah, neither do I.
@Scott was locking people in to a gas rates at a historically low rate, unlike these shady fucks at Direct Energy. If you lock in with Scott you’ve got a good chance of coming out ahead of the guy who doesn’t do a rate lock and just sticks with National Fuel or ECA. There was a thread about National Fuel’s fixed rates here:
At that time they were signing people up in Dec to fixed rate of 0.487 for 12 months. That’s a great rate and even beat my Dec rate of .52, but look at what gas has done since Dec 2014.
In NYS, anytime someone comes to your door to sell you something, you have 72 hours to cancel, unless it’s the guy selling magazine subscriptions for some other organization…that most likely is a scam and you will never see your money again.
I would be very skeptical of these options. They will lock you into a contract at a high price and before you know it, you’re stuck with a rate 3x what it is. I know it’s been said already, but I just watched this happen to a friend. I’ve also had friends jump on the Ambit Energy wagon and dealt with the same thing.
There’s two types of companies doing this. The Ambit/Direct Energy types that are locking you into a rate well above current market rates where you have little to no chance of ever coming out ahead, and the National Fuel types that are locking you into current market rates where you may or may not come out ahead depending on what the market does.
I cancelled that shit… They started to try and resell it to me, but I just said the Nest was incompatible with my furnace. Following up to make sure it was indeed cancelled, since I did it under 24 hours from signing up. @Scott - If I lock in on a rate with you, when’s the best time?
You would want to get out of that too. Electricity is cheap right now, Grid came out with the rates for June and they are around 5 cents.
If locking in is your game plan, we do have some solid numbers right now.
Like @JayS mentioned, only a few months ago, when natural gas slid, we had a solid rate of 0.487 per ccf. I actually took that myself, and got a few of my boys on it too. But the market kept falling and falling, and right now NOCO has a locked in rate for NFG customers of 0.407 - 8 cents cheaper than when I locked in. So in a nutshell, 40 cents is a really solid rate to guarantee for the next 12 months - but the market could stay under that price - so there is risk.
At the end of the day, you can melt your mind over thinking things - I can just help steer you in the right direction.
At the end of the day if you’re locking in at .407 the chances it’s going to go so much lower that you lose a significant amount of money is pretty damn slim. A year from now I bet we look back at this thread, do the math, and figure out the ECA guys came out within $10+/- of the National Fuel lock in guys.
true. i don’t think the gas is as predictable or as much of a definite good or bad idea.
I only signed up for the elec - this seems like a little much to think it’ll go from lets say 4 to 9cents
planning on calling and canceling when i get a moment here…i think…im still not sure about this BS. I’m just going off what you guys say…?