Ambit Energy - Save some money on utilities

Let me start off with this…I’m not here to sell anyone anything (yes i know what happened with the Vemma/Verve thing prior on here lol)

If you would like to save some money on your utilities (gas/electric) let me know.

There is no cost to do this, no contracts and yes you are guaranteed to save money.

I’m not trying to get people to join this business as consultants or pay any money for anything, I’m just reaching out to see if anyone wants the discount on their services.

I’m sure people will post their thoughts on here, but if you would like to ask me any questions I will answer them.

Basically whoever your energy company is now will remain the same for your delivery, billing, etc. Your supplier (which is normally shown on the last page of your bill) will change from whoever you currently have to Ambit Energy. The killowatt per hour charge and tax rate will decrease. There is no interuption of service and you are still eligible for any budget plans your currently on as you still go through your providers website/phone number for any payments or issues. At any time you can switch back to your company for again no cost.

So again…i’m not trying to sell anything anything, just spreading the word you can save money on something your already paying for. Myself as well as family and friends has seen an average savings of around 7-15% per month which works out to 15-50$ a month. Same as if you would pick a gas station that is 3.40 per gallon over 3.50 per gallon.

If you have any more questions PM me here or shoot me an email @ grimmickb@gmailDOTcom

I’m amazed how many different areas Multi Level Marketing will be applied to:

Energy drinks to power companies lolol.

ambit energy is the absolute OLDEST prymid scheme out lol… They got people walking door to door doing that shit now, think you missed the boat to make any money op lol

This part here is where I have an issue. I don’t know about you, but if you’re paying $3.50/gal for fuel, and switch to somewhere else that’s 7% cheaper, the fuel should then be $.245 cheaper ($3.25/gal rounding down). If you’re doing 15%, it’s $.525 ($2.97/gal rounding down).

I feel bad for those people who are saving $50/month if that’s 15% of their power bill (or even 7%). Must have an awfully inefficient home, or use a shit ton of energy for who knows what.

The money reference for the gas wasn’t based on saving % it was just showing if you can save a little why not. Again I’m not trying to get people bought into any business or laying money for something. This thread was just relaying the savings monthly if needed. If not, no big deal. I know lots of people around here have ambit for their supplier and I’m sure if you asked around you’d see that also. I have it and I’m saving money that’s all I need. If you don’t that’s fine.

Do not turn this into a pissing match or anti ambit thread ! Guy is trying to help others out and make some money so let it be ! Don’t want it click off !!! I am somewhat involved with a similar deal by family politics lol but the company my wife is with is called acn and they handle telecommunications , cable /satellite etc . My bill is hugely lower al

Energy’s energy, whether you drink it or use it to power your blender to make an energy drink.

A scam is a scam no matter who is doing the scamming.

My parents switched to Agway for gas several years ago because it was supposed to be cheaper than National Grid. It was for a little bit but then eventually they were paying more and thinking they were still getting a deal until somebody told my dad how much he was overpaying for using Agway. They switched back to National Grid and are saving money now.

Don’t you tell me what to do… I’ll mock this pyramid scheme garbage all day… Read through all the bull shit and you save Pennies… A joke

Have to agree with you here. A friend at work does this and I signed up for the hell of it. Really saw no difference in my bill.

If it doesn’t raise your bill, and helps somebody out, I’m all for lining my neighbor’s pocket instead of Grid.


Keep paying my paycheck, don’t fall for this shit.

The End

I know a few guys here that work for Nat Grid, I honestly feel like I’m getting bent over with “delivery charges” that are matching my fucking bill. While I don’t know anything about other providers, I feel like National Grid has a bit of a monopoly on their hands.

There is more than 1 power company… You do know that right ?

Nat Grid is like someone playing chess. Just moving power here and there. We buy almost all our power now. Nimo use to have generation. That got sold off before Nat Grid (a British company) bought us out. I myself have NYSEG (no french owned). Both are forgein owned companies that care about numbers and $$$$.

yeah they pretty much do around here, i work for them and i dont think employees even get a discount. who else do you know on here that works for them? what dept? im curious about asking some of the guys in line dept if thier ways to lower the costs

Ahh here we go again…

Is it a scam? Well thats debatable, is there some truth to Ambit Energy? Sure there is…

Ambit Energy is not its own power or utilities company, they are a re seller of energy. They buy units in bulk from Nat Grid for resale. They come to your door, ask for your bill, then make you an offer of sorts as to how much they can save you and right then and there it looks great, especially depending on the time of year they show up and what the cost per therm/Kilowatt hour is they offer you a lower rate than what your currently pay from nat grid.

The problem is this is a locked rate. So lets say Nat grid charges you .21 cents per Kilowatt hour and they tell you they are only goign to charge you .18 cents per kilowatt hour. Doesn’t seem like much but add that shit up and you’re going to save a little money every year…

Problem is, and this does happen is lets say nat grid drops their price per kWh down to .17 cents… a whole .01 from the .18 you’re currently paying with ambit… well now your stuck paying the .18 from ambit as they don’t drop down or go up…

The problem is its a fixed rate, its doesn’t fluctuate and in most cases people end up paying the same as they did before or even a little more…

It really depends, are you going to lose hundreds or thousands of dollars if prices fluctuate? No, they never change that much it seems… but hey if its costing you 10 bucks more a month… well thats still wasted money…

Ambit is simply instant gratification… It’s like buying a 20,000 dollar car for 10 grand, but hidden in the contract they tell you you have to make up the 10 grand by paying an additional 5,000 dollars a year for the next two years on top of everything else…

So while you think you got a great deal, your still paying the 20 grand…

Sure if you start reselling and have referalls you can get your price to go down… but really who does that and for how long? :dunno I don’t want to hassle my famiyl and friends, tell them how awesome this is just to save a few percent on my bill… to much bullshit and to much discussion of shit liek this… That and the fact that I know im mkaing some cock sucker a step up from me more money is discouraging

As much as you will get ripped apart in this thread i will say i have ambit, and i’ve had it for years. I do save money, it’s not a ton of money, it’s a couple bucks every month, prob 50 a year but it takes 2 seconds to sign up and it’s no contract or anything.

If you want to be ambitious, you can sign up 15 of your friends and you will get their average monthly usage free (deducted from your bill), you don’t need to be a rep to do this. You still have to pay the delivery charge, because the delivery lines are owned by n-grid.