Just FYI about HNH

I’m not one to get personal. But seeing’s how I deal alot with people on here and do a bunch of welding and stuff fo ya’s. I’ll air this out here. Not that I really want to, But i also don;t want u to think I’m a fly by night and just closed shop and booted town!!

So as of thursday of this past week ! I found Out I have NO choice gotta have surgery in the last 14 weeks back has from bad To drastically bad.
I was informed that if i do not have surgery in the folowing weeks. I could possibly be paralize… choice not hard I guess walk or spen the rest of my lif shitting on myself.

So the long and the short is I’m waiting on a surgery date. should have it this week. as of now it will be with in the next 5 weeks at most !! After surgery should be 95-100% if all goes well, but the down side is I will be down for atleast 3-4 months.

So if u need something done hurry and get it done. I’m only taking about 2 or 3 jobs per week ( debating on size or i should say crazyness of job). cuz running at about 40% thats pretty much all I can keep up with. In no way shape or form is this affecting my quality of work!!those that now me or have had work done by now I take the up most pride in my work. Right now I have a crazy full custom cage going in a 1970’s fj40 which should be complete towards the end of the week.

So if u have any question’s or work that needs to be done , as usually call , email, pm, stop in and harass the hell out of me.:thumbup

If u care i will give further details. about when all this is to take place so u will know is going on and not thinking I’m just ignoring ya’s… well ignoring some of ya bastards is not a bad thing either !!!lol:rofl

Hope everything works out for ya man, and anyone that needs some welding and such done id have to say his work is top notch.

hank, yo yo I have sent you a private message

ya need anything big sexy let me know .ya know im always willin to give ya a hand

Hank good luck brother. If there’s anything you need let me know.

Good luck with it.
I know your back has been bad for quite a while now.

hope all goes well and wish you a fast recovery! ive seen alot of the work done at hank’s shop and everything comes out awesome! would recomend anyone to go to hank!

Crap I gotta get that car done

Waiting on u is like trying to get a blowjob from the wife!!!:rofl

i hope it all works out dude

That sucks buddy… Lemme know if ya need anything(blowjobs are Seans field though…:lol).

But seriously, ya got my # if ya need help with whatever. Speedy recovery man!!

Hoping it all works out gerat for you, Hank. I’m goin under the knife myself pretty soon.

Hank you should weld yourself a back brace, all Aluminum, like an exoskeleton :lol

the Hankonator

Just brought my car over there for Hank to help do werk



hank the tank

u gays bored or what !!! were’s breettttt wah my thread is offtopic!!!

good luck hank