Just getting atarted...............

Started drinking at 4pm any way…:beer:

proud of yourselves?

miller :yum:

no wonder lite beer :rolleyes:

He’s gotta watch his girlish figure. :kekegay:

that is the most redneck pic on Pittspeed. If my truck was in the pic, you could be mistaken for some hillbilly from tennessee. :smiley:

ROFLMAO…and to think that the baldwin and whitehall cops kept driving by and macs house is on a main road:bowdown: ,typical thursday ritual b4 the bar. Pewter…yes light beer…thats all i drink…96 carbs! Also jack and diet coke:bowdown:

that was right before some jackass fuckin knocked them all into my bush… now that was white trash. ahhh thursdays.


just found two beers in my freezer :confused: