OIMG and i ran from whit y r


english please

OMG! Im drunk and posting on Pittspeed!!!111

/yourself for inbred WV cocksucker

well from what ive gathered they seemed to have a good time! jeremy made it a point to call me every 20 minutes and try to get me to come out but wouldnt understand that im only 20 and cant drink at a bar.

turbotalon had plenty of chances too drink underage.

Sissy :slight_smile:

i thought there was a bouncer at the door! if i could have gotten in for sure and drank i would have been there in a fuckin heartbeat! someone not so drunk should have told me teh situation!

ahhh you couldve matched whitey w/ his pink shirt…

actually i was wearing a purple shirt tonight! :finger2:

no comment…

ur lucky! :moon:

bump for drunken post

i deleted this shit lol … guess my shame thread has to stay


ehh it was your choice, you were all over the road almost hit someone on 60 and then flying through a red light was not the best idea. you will change your ways when you kill youself or someone

i am never drinking and driving again. i didnt even knwo we were gonna go to a bar last night. if i would have known that i would have brought someone else along.

i told you the dude at the door was old and shit. not a bouncer really just an old guy. i didnt think that turbo was underage :doh:

if my son could get in anyone could of

old guys >u

im talkin like walker old… middle aged old
