why did i drink so much last night?

knowing i had to wok at 930


shoot me now

lol bastard… should of came out man

puff a uhhh smoke and eat a greasy burger, you’ll be good to go

oh man not that easy today, they kept just handing me shots of crown lol

fuck the bouncer at brickbar. fucking dick.

3 more hours to go…

still hanging in there

was at jack’s place, little bar bunch of ppl i know go there

as for me. i’m just waking up hung over and loving being a single bartender :smiley:


knowing i had to wok at 930


shoot me now


stop whining you know you had fun.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:4,topic:24678"”]

fuck the bouncer at brickbar. fucking dick.


there’s a bouncer at brick bar? since when does he do anything?

yea it was fun, till i heard my alarm going off this morning lol


there’s a bouncer at brick bar? since when does he do anything?


lol, i wondered the same thing. he was being a cock when he was id’ing me, and i said something to piss him off. i never even made it to the counter.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:8,topic:24678"”]

lol, i wondered the same thing. he was being a cock when he was id’ing me, and i said something to piss him off. i never even made it to the counter.


you do look like your 13. SO THAT’S WHY THE OLD MEN LIKE WHEN YOU RUB THEM! it never clicked right away

while this is true, what does it have to do with him being a dickhole?

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:10,topic:24678"”]

while this is true, what does it have to do with him being a dickhole?


well he’s upset you get all the good old men with wrinkly balls and he wants a sugar daddy.

meh, i still butt-tongued him later that night, so he has nothing to complain about.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:12,topic:24678"”]

meh, i still butt-tongued him later that night, so he has nothing to complain about.


you go there to early and don’t stay long enough. stop by and see me one of these nights

are you working tonight?

mmm butt tongue

speaking of butt tongues, it seems i went to ETS last night. morning after detective work turned up a receipt for one burrito. it must have been delicious.

dude I drank way to much too

i feel like crap