I'm DPM74!




Good times tonight…

YAYYYY a drunk joe post!!!

slkgh shglk helkg her kjghlerwkj hgklewrj hglkerwjh gkjerh gkjer hglkewr hgkwerh gkerwh gklweh lgkewh gklwr eg~!!!11111111111!!!1!!!


myself, 91mr2, 2turboz, grizzly adams, and ginger homo…are all 100% sober right now…honest…

Andy, you’re home awfully early…

I was just gonna say… you got until 4am!


when you start heavily at 8:30PM, making it til 4AM is a lofty goal…

OMG…20 yr olds with X’s on their hands ftw :slight_smile:

Ehh, I wouldn’t go that far. I def. had a good time, but I’ve been at work since midnight, and I’m making moves and solving problems!

But I def. sped heavily to get here on time, prob. wasn’t the best idea…

GSX needs to read the thread about racism not being accepted on the board…and try to apply it to real life situations…


jagerbomb…royal flush…jagerbomb

LOL @:

“can you break a $100 bill?”

  • “no”

“ok well here’s a card.”

  • “has to be at least $20”

“ok then a captain and coke, and another round of royal flushes”

  • “the name on the ID has to match the card”

“wtf…all i have is a $100, can you break it now?”

  • “i’ll go to the main bar”

fucking duche…

I can show you how to hit that goal.

Haha, nice!

Fucking jaegerbombs!

Your all gay…NO INVITE NO CARE


Just kidding Nick. Last minute thing, next time brahhh…

im ready to do w/e it takes to say my NYSPEED name backwards to girls at a bar…Mike is a quality human being…hahahahahahaha btw im going to DC in the morning wtf is there to do?

Undoubtedly, go see all the monuments, they are spectacular. And if you have a free moment, go to Yesteryear Motorsports, and say hi to my friend Jaime, and see 3 of the 5 X180R Esprit racecars Lotus produced for the early 90’s SCCA Escort World Challenge racing series. I had a ride in the #12 car…


Seriously, send me a PM, if you want any other info. on DC…

def gonna see the monuments…Smithsonian as well.

Aerospace Musuem is amazing too, don’t leave that out. I have a ton of photos from it, but none here at work…

SR71 blackbird…it’s ridiculous in person, it’s size is very deceiving…