Decided to put an old cad file to use and had a pair of these cut. One is being sold to a guy on another forum and one is going on my wall.
For mine, ill be making some standoffs and cutting a piece of plexi that extends just a tad past the edge of the aluminium, which will be sandblasted and lit from behind in green since the tracks nickname is “the green hell”
my laser cutter made sure he got me near spotless material, there are some very fine scratck marks from the cardboard but really they blend right in unless you look for them
I feel like you had a lot of opportunity to do more with that. IDK what, but it looks like a blob on the wall. Even if you know what it is I don’t think it’s very aesthetic…
Agreed. Hell, to someone that knows what it is, it still looks like a hunk of metal on the wall, and having green sandblasted edge material won’t hide the girth.
I suppose you could add a clock mechanism to the center and break it up some.