Just my luck...

so i haven’t been able to drive my car in over 3 weeks now cause of this weather we’ve been getting… today says no rain and high 50’s, so i decide i’ll take it to work today cause its been sitting so long. wouldn’t u know it, coming around a bend on the 90 and BAM there was somthing in the middle of the lane rolling right at me, put a nice crack in the front bumper on the passanger side :mad: unreal…

Ahhh, shit Jay. That sucks man. Luckily it’s just a bumper and not more. Not to impugn the incident, but when I saw the thread title I was like, oh no, not another rotary gone-a-popped…

I thought you were going to say you let someone take it without paying for it…

shitty, i have two nice dents so far from all the sticks that fell


I know how that feels.

good thing it didn’t get sucked into the vmount.

i was thinking the same thing

That sucks jay. Good thing it missed the front opening or it could have been a lot worse.

Bad times.

yea, when i first heard it hit, i was like oh man this could be REALLY bad… in that sense i’m lucky i guess. if it was about another foot towards the center of the car it woulda been trouble. but still sucks, not somthing i wanted to have to deal with right now.

time for the invader or Blitz front bumper.

shitty. pics?

i was gona drive the car to school today (not a good idea during the day, but tempted). cords are telling me otherwise

word. i drove the elise today. if it rains… i can’t take the thruway.

well…i WAS thinking about taking the z out today. maybe not so much now

shitty luck jay :frowning:

today is the last day im driving my car and I brought it to school today


I’m just hoping I can get the beater out of the garage today so I can put the pcar in there so it’s not all stickered up in the driveway for halloween… Atleast you dont have to worry about that Jay!


Such a crappy way to get your car banged up. When the new bumper goes on I’m sure Jay will install a grill to keep the v-mount safe.

wow, that sucks.



god damnit Mike you’ve got me all worried about the little ghetto fucks in the city messing w/ my car :frowning: