just noticing

that there are posts even all through the night, I wasnt able sleep so of course I popped in, and low and behold I think some of you might have taken a 2 hour nap or went and had some “alone time”

Bleah I am delirious from not sleeping all night…

People sleep at all different hours.

this is true, I am praying for sleep now and not being sick anymore

I have some cough syrup with codeine - $100. :lol

BOOO, check you out being a pharmaceutical company and competitive price to the too:facepalm

Okay fine, one dose - $20.


+1 cool story, bro

side effect of 50,000 mg of Vitamin D or whatever that was, perhaps?!

thanks for your little “bit” of info ANTHONIE

This thread needs more crying.



this was a great thread please make many more just like it

started talkin’ shit, wouldn’t you know?
I reached back like a pimp and SMACKED THE HOE
