just picked up 2 SR20's

My friend and I picked up 2 SR20’s from FNF motors. Anyways we found some goodies on the engines. One has a Greddy Protec boost controller (although missing the head unit), an HKS aftermarket turbo, and a buddy club brack box ecu.


  1. Is there anyway we can figure out the serial on a stock SR20. The “stock” and the aftermarket are the same size, but they are totally different inside. The pins are the same, but the aftermarket one internally is way more complex. I’ll have pictures whenever we get back home.


If you are talking about the ECU, which I think you are, then it is most likely a stock unit with a daughterboard attached. Hence the same length serial number.

Sorry I was talking about the ecu, my bad. I opened the ecu and it does have a daughterboard attached by cable link. Is there anywhere/anyway to get the daughterboard retuned, or rechipped?