Just playing video games, or destroying the earth!?!?

They should do a study showing how much fuel an i4, v6 and a v8 uses at full throttle run over the course of a year :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a flawed study because it has statistics not based in reality.

You don’t have to worry about people with 360’s leaving them on 24/7 for a year because they would RRoD after a week.

I have my doubts that any 360 ever produced has been able to stay on for 365 days straight without some sort of hardware failure.

My buddy does with the game loaded. I was told that means his Bluray drive is always working too. Probably not good.

does he use it for some sort of media server? I can’t understand why anyone would want to do that.

i’m not sure about the 360, but i do know people with mod’d regular xbox’s that run a linux server and are on 24/7


You’re being sarcastic, right?

I’m not being rude, just making sure I am understanding you correctly. Unless a census is being done (poling the entire population), all statistics are based on a generalization to the population. The external validity (as well to an extent the internal validity) determines how well it generalizes, but the point still holds, you can absolutely make generalizations to the rest of the population based on small sample sizes.



That was 110% sarcasm. I understand that mostly everything statistically is based off a sample of the population. lol

Good. I would have had to send Chris Farley over to hit you in the head with a ballpeen hammer :eekdance:

I turn my system off when I’m done with it, but countless time’s I’ve gone to sleep with a dvd in the player so its on all night ect. Honestly 160$ a year is like 13$ a month, 13$ a month is NOT big deal.

so wait, let me get this traight, you can make generalizations about the population by asking a small % of the population about something, and when polled correctly those generalizations are reasonably accurate?

and the most effective way to test energu usage of an item isnt by looking at the electric bill ? they actualy make devices that can directly measure power consumption ?

wow … strange world we live in