Just dl’ed, playing in a minute when the install finishes.
that shit is BADASS. GTA SA was by far the best one.
Agreed, such a great game. I’ll be downloading this when I get home.
Moar detailzzz
It’s a beta, so it’s very temperamental/buggy.
I think it’s your jalopy of a rig that you are playing it on, not the game.
^ :rofl
Entirely possible, but I’m not the only one experiencing them. I’m reinstalling for the third time now because I’ve yet to get the game to run.
See above.
Why is Pauly D the main character now?
Love this game, might have to reinstall it tonight
LOL@ the go-kart in the video
it kind of sucks.
played it for like an hour, there’s no pedestrians, missions, weapons, or anything yet.
aside form the occasional sky-lake and ghost subways cruising around through mountains and junk there’s not much fun to be had.
load up some mods on gtaiv and play around, wait for a better more complete version of this to come out, or just play the actual san andreas.
kind of a disappointment.
I figured that would be the case just by looking at the trailer.