Just smoked mold.

My tummy hurts.

Was given a bunch of bud that had gotten a bit of mold, cut most of the moldy parts off.

Smoked a bit now I feel nauseous.

Unrelated? Possibly. I did have coffee earlier which almost never agrees with me.

Will have family member report back if I die. Wrote a note. We’ll see.

you idiot. the mold spores are growing in your lungs now, death is imminate


Goodbye Benny, RIP

Bricks were shat, I feel better.

That mold smokes gooooooooddddd



What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…pussy

Have you ever actually ran while puking?

It’s actually alot of fun, and quite funny.

I once got chased out of a sand pit by ballston spa cops (I got away, that says alot about them) had just taken a shot of something on top of a bunch of beast ice, started puking while still in a light jog, thought it was hilarious and started LAUGHING WHILE PUKING WHILE RUNNING.

AND I was probably high.

I once got chased out of a sand pit by ballston spa cops (I got away, that says alot about them) had just taken a shot of something on top of a bunch of beast ice, started puking while still in a light jog, thought it was hilarious and started LAUGHING WHILE PUKING WHILE RUNNING.

Greatest one sentence story EVER




I almost walked over to meet u last night, glad i didnt…haha

j/k, wow…u are fucked

you are retarded benny…

now explain why smoking mold is bad?

smoking some molds that can grow on pot can seriously make you ill or kill you. I don’t know the scientific reason behind it but I have seen reports of it happening.

oh wow so this could be serious?

Ben, edit that note and say leave the M3 to Joseph Lozano of Latham, NY. Please and Thank You. ;D :hug

The mold causes lung infection, if I’m not mistaken.

and profuse growin of man tits among other things… ;D

Same thing happened to me and a friend once. We were freaking out mannnnnnn. :idiots