Just talked to Maxim Afinogenov!!!!! **(NOW WITH PICS of autographed jersey!!!)**

Is the Girls name Maria?

^^yes it is :slight_smile:


and a thank you parks :slight_smile:

mmmm …ma ri a


THANK YOU MR. PARKER [size=2]:slight_smile:


Your welcome Bro

i love you

ohh god, well max jersey >hot chick calling everyday i guess :stuck_out_tongue:

looks sweet at any rate.


ass. i dunno if it’s >… but pretty close.

So what type of Benzo does Afinogenov drive Jesse??

You really should frame that an not wear it just my .02, That has VALUE now beyond the price you paid for the jersey its self

HAHAHA… yea im gonna probably frame is and buy another one. I dont plan on wearing it though

skunk youre still gay :slight_smile:

Frame it don’t be silly and wear it. Kick ass though, alot of professional athletes I’m sure are dicks when they go to places like that and don’t wanna get heckled about autographs. Sounds like he’s an awesome guy. Sabres always get a thumbs up from me.

from what jesse said… when talking to him when he came in… i guess he is nice as hell


when are you gonna take pics of urs. I wanna see

for sure, frame that shit skunk!

lol. I’ll frame is soon. But then i need a new one :frowning:

and i don’t feel like waiting another 37 weeks to get it

Dude, you know why I haven’t posted a picture of mine…