Just talked to Maxim Afinogenov!!!!! **(NOW WITH PICS of autographed jersey!!!)**

maxim comes into Olive Garden all the time before games…as well as some other players, but I forgot their names.

Skunky, your Jersey just showed up at my door

after a play game years back, at SHO GUN my sister noticed a whole bunch of players, got their autographs, but didnt notice and didnt get Schmeliks auto who was sitting right there. ahhahhaa, i felt bad


i skated with rory fitzpatrick and brian gionta

martin of the french connection coached a practice for my team once :stuck_out_tongue:


we used to do it also before fed games…

I sold him a tv last year… samsung 42" and matching surrounds sound and a stand… alot of the sabres work out @ world gym where i do… usually briere and some others

I went bowling with Rob Ray a few times when I was younger lol. He is friends with one of my mom’s good friends. We all went out and he came out with my mom’s friend Sue and her husband.

i <3 overnight delivery :slight_smile:

thanks parks :slight_smile:

My one friend was dancing with vanek the one time at sub-zero. She didnt know who he was until we told her tho.

ok sukunk you do now realize that if you get it signed, you will not be allowed to wear it…or else I, and anyone else around me, will pucnh you in the nuts/face/nuts in no particular order. Gotta go out and get another one now…

who can see sables and bills when you go to that dealer when the girl in front desk is so hot!!!

When i worked at Berts Bikes on Nfall Blvd… in highschool Jay Mckee came in with his GF and I sold them 2 bikes… he dropped like 4 grand on matching his/her mountain bikes and while i was talking to his GF (super hot) she said they probably wouldnt even ride them. She said they had a garage full of shit they buy when their bored. Must be nice!

Rich Bastards!


jesse is gonna love this.

and sean… shut up. i will wear it…

but not a lot. and never wash it

dont lie skunk we know you really sent your tighty whiteys to get signed and you didnt even wash out the skid marks :uhh:

ok well i golf Rob Ray and Jay McKee, not in the same day, got ray’s signaure but jay had to leave before he could sign the pic. Though Jay still has his buffalo house and lives right by me.

dude, i would NEVER wash it…the jersey would be forever sacred

hrm…i should give jesse one of my old white/black jerseys…those don’t see too much shoulder time anymore…


Not trying to get fired, the both of them are the owners daughters. Trust me, they’re both beautiful…