just when you thought they were over

so needforspeed has a new game series prostreet

looks gangster.

Check out the trailer.

I personally like the NFS series. Carbon was kinda lame but most wanted was pretty good.

Yeah, damage is back… Looking better than before… And about time!

Supposedly, this one is to be more of a sim racer… And, hopefully, they manage to trully pick up - from where Porsche Unleashed left off.

FD’s nothing beats a 7…

yea looks nice, thry way they designed the smoke was to be realistic , as in it fills the wheel wells before it goes out and what not, i cant wait

ya i cant wait for this one too. and yes i like the NFS series too.

Thats not gameplay footage. It’s just animation. I doubt the gameplay will be half as impressive as that. I have always loved the NFS series, especially the older ones. However, the new ones recently have been promoting alot of bad messages to teens and people who have just got their license, sort of fuelling the F&F series aswell.

Still looking forward to it.

NFS is a great game. and this game looks pretty sick. but november 07? halo 3 will be out by then so i probably will not be play anything esle. and guitar hero 3 comes out in october too. man there are some really sick games coming out thats fur sure

Although it looks sweet and all, it’ll very hard for it to match Forza 2 on the 360 for me…i’m hooked on that myself.

Apperently you’ll have to pick where the money goes, so if you have a bumper half hanging off you can either get a new one, leave it, take it off or stich it with zipties. haha it’s ganna be awesome!

if you look down a bit further on the right coloum you can see actual game play footage, and it looks the same

GT5 ftmfw!!

^^ Well Said.

haha ya i was hooked on that game too when i first got it, took alittle break (a couple weeks) and now im back playing it again, wicked game FORZA 2

I doubt this will come out for Ps2 which just sucks all together :(. PS3 is alot at the moment and I am perfectly happy with the games out for it…but damage!

midnight wangan ftw at the moment.

need for speed is alright the problem with it is i always get bored of the game, i think its because of the cheats available for it ive always played on pc wonder if i can cheat on my 360

has the new gran turismo yet to incorporate damage?
and another hting, why is it that all the game trailers have a FD lol, fd in nfs fd in gt5. damn, seems like the car to own

iirc there wasnt a fd in gt5 trailer… theres a jgtc xanavi z33, gtr proto, f430, r8 n few others
… gonu watch it again now hahaha

in both the new grand tursimo trailer its a fd, and in the new need for speed traielr its a fd, and anothero ne i just watched is also a fd. wtf!