K-fed LMAO!!!

this is funny…


wow now thats a dis haha and i hope he ends up like vanila ice hanging by his legs from a balcony

wow that’s a blow to the mans ego… even though he sucks…

gets fired from being britneys boytoy
gets humilated infront of the music industry
william hung sold more albums than him
concerts were shut down b/c of poor sales.

dude 2006 is not a good year for K-FED

dude the guy is a wannabe thug i got more skillz than he does he sucks. you ever see… damn cant remember the name of the show he sang at on tv. but he was trying sooo hard but looked like a retard his moves dont match his ??music?? if you can call it music he blows… 800 cds lol what a retard guys a hack. ive seen guys at car shows that can rap wayyyy better.

funny thing would have been if he was actually at the show hahahha