Travis, while you belive your entitled to more respect than that. Unfortunatly I doubt its going to happen on here untill you change your attitude. You and some of your “friends” havent helped any by posting any of your personal life. A lot of people on here dont think you deserve that respect due to choices you’ve made and things you have done. While you dont see it this way many people do. While I think your a cool guy to hang out with around the car scene, I do not care for some of your personal life ways if you will, but thats my opinion I dont think of you any less of a human being, your going to do what your going to do. As long as you don’t fuck me over I don’t care. I’m not telling you to play dead, but I think you need to stop letting these people get to you as it only opens the doors for more bashing. You need to realize that everyone feeds off of you getting pissed, when you tell them how upset you are and the respect you think you deserve and start with name calling or judgeing another person, they look at it and laugh because they are getting a rise out of you. Honestly with the little most people know about you and generaly only being the “bad things” pretty much anything you say about them won’t matter because in their eyes their not as much of a fuck up as you are. Dont take that the wrong way, im speaking from how they see it.
Like I said your an okay guy at the lot etc… I’ve helped you out and dident mind it. I have no reason to bash you I keep my opinions to myself. Just relax you getting upset is only fueling everyone.