k20 vs smokinss

do you honestly not have a clue? i said what i said AFTER you talked shit john. its in retaliation. i dont start it. you are the drama queen around here. i prefer it all ended.

shit John Im betting your penis is in your hand right now

after YOUran your mouth becuse of a little bustin balls ,nothin personal .i think it started on a crack that none of my cars stay runnin ,in retaliation to a burned up sti joke and it blew out,then rumored that i fucked your car up p/s system wise and thats why it burned

nope ,i had sex last night wit my old lady im good for about a day or so now:lol

i NEVER said anything about you fucking my car up… we are back to this? how many times do we have to go over this? your “ball busting” isnt appreciated. thats you ripping on me. hence why i said what i said AFTER THE FACT. you started it… yet again… what dont you see here? you are missing something somewhere along the lines or apparently just dont believe what im saying… either way… its over… its done. you owe me money still from 5+ yrs ago but whatever. im tired of the drama and bullshit. id appreciate it if people would just shut their fuckin mouths about me. but i know thatd never happen around here… just a bunch of junior high mentalities in 20 yr old bodies.

I dont believe that. Youll be trying to get your hand pregnant by the end of the night.

i didnt bring it up ,just as a precerser for what started it ,personally i dont care if ya think i did or not as i know im a good tech ,the best hell no but i am good…personally i dont care who busts your balls i didnt say anything about them till the joey one ,it was wrong timing and it started all this shit

we are going in circles here…

its a circle jerk now

who’s the pivot man?

why ya in ,:lol

no, just wondering. Somebody’s gotta be it, right?

My pecker doesnt come out with other men around.

I don’t understand where you get that from…you just made that up lol. You couldn’t be any further off unless you said I was a black midget wizard garbageman that owns a goat farm. I’m 224lbs and SOLID. I make 40k/yr, I enjoy my job, have great credit, beautiful gf who has a HUGE future, have my own place, been on my own since I was 15, more than plenty of friends who all have nothing but overwhelming respect for me. Like I said, there’s a reason why you get picked on and the rest of us don’t. Because you are a natural born loser. Nothing else too it. Go ahead and make up some other elementary school diss about me with horrible grammar that makes no sense whatsoever, it’s funny to us…because you simply don’t matter to anything in this world. I’m sorry that your life sucks compared to mine…and everyone elses on here. So why don’t you grow up, knock off your bullshit and improve your life, instead of digging yourself a bigger whole and making ALOT of enemies by looking like a gutless punk?

congrats at sucking dick for a living making ur 40k/yr.

wtf kinda comeback is that ,that was horrible

that was pretty terrible haha, sorry i dont post on here anymore been busy at work. but that was bad

That’s exactly the kind of response that I would expect from him, showing no intelligence whatsoever.


Lmao at 40k sucking coming from an unemployed person

I think we might have found a job for him.