k20 vs smokinss

lol yeah i normaly dont join in on the Travis bashing considering I dont even know him. After being on this forum for awhile I feel like I know his life story though. And he has no room to bust on someone for making 40 grand a year. Thats actualy fairly decent. Enough to make a living for sure. Not an amazing living but its better than playing poker.

Well he’s just grasping at straws trying to make other people look bad and he fails at that too.

He’s a tough e-thug here but probably couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag in real life.

Yeah everyone fucking with him is definetly played out but everytime he responds to it with shit like that its just fueling the fire and making it continue.

True. Now half the people just do it to see his reaction


It is rather amusing though.

Yeah…I’m not ballin but I’m smart with my money and live comfortably. But having Travis bust on my 40k is just rediculous. Just when I thought his bullshit was close to being tapped out…he finds a new way to supply it. I have not heard or read a SINGLE positive thing about him my entire time on this forum. On a daily basis he’s supplies new material and more reasons to have his balls busted. Then to make it worse…he imagines he’s the most important human in existence, curses like a 14yr old and shows no signs of intelligence in his rebuttals…but DEMANDS respect? Right. It’s not like the 100 people on this forum that pick on him, just do it for NO reason at all. Status quo.

i wish there was an ignore button on here. i really do.

there is. Its as simple as not comming into the thread.

It’s in the top right hand corner. Looks like this —> X

X your life.

You’re on the ball. Zingin’ me like crazy over here.


and trav, click here:


add in " Jeremiah " to that little white rectangle that comes up on the screen :thumbup

i dont even know him either and its amazing how much of a low life he is. even if only 50% of the shit people say is true you’re still the biggest scumbag i know. and respect… are you serious didnt you ever learn respect is earned not given. and by the way you act and talk on here no one should give you any respect since you obviously dont respect yourself or the people around you.

i will not dignify this with a retort. get to know me and make your judgment of me based on that. not on hearsay.

that is the most logical response i’ve read in all these threads so to that i said good day.

you sir are a fuckin genius… THANK YOU! much appreciated. srsly.

good day to you as well sir.

see? we can get along :hug

this video suckkkkkkkked compared to JVG’s video