Wow! K20 you really know how to insert your foot in your mouth. The vw engine is quite possibly one of the stoutest engineering feats of the twentieth century. Even the crappy 1.7-1.8 litre engines from the rabbits are seriously bulletproof, stock. I’ve Never seen a rod let go unless we spun it to 9000 rpm. The 1.8t is the cheapest bang for buck motor there is, for a simple chip mod you go from 150 to 210 hp and a tourque increase that would shatter a hondas axles. I’m also a 15 year veteran of working for a vw dealer. I’ve worked on everything in the past and vw’s are definitely the easiest and most engineered cars i’ve seen. Dude i try to give you the benefit of the doubt, but come on. Ask Morgan at synapse about my stock bottom ended 2.0 turbo motor, that we ramped up under full load on the dyno with a 12 second run-up to power and it took it and it pretty much laughed at us.
First it was k20 vs srt4 now its k20 vs all of the vw world everyone likes what they like just leave it at that…the k20 is better in its ways and im sure vw has its benefits
??? you can’t argue with physics…vw > honda
I knew this was going to be good once I saw that 1st gen was the last poster :lmao
I was never into VW’s, but I have learned to respect their motors and their cars, and a lot have even grown on me. I’ve never owned anything other than a Honda (or a Crx for that matter) but if I had a choice between a used Honda lineup and a used VW lineup, I’d be swaying towards VW.
There is a reason they have a following just as big as Hondas and almost just as much aftermarket support.
But to give K20 some credit, it is a very common misconception that Vw motors are “junk”, weither true or not.
Edit: Warning - while you were typing two new reply’s has been posted. You may wish to review your post
Daumn :wow
Unless someone here has scientific evidence to support that one engine is better than the other, you can argue all day long but none of you will be right or wrong the entire time becuase if your just going to throw around heresay it will only be a matter of oppinion as to which is better.
In my oppinion, VW is a better built engine, I can’t back that up but thats just my oppinion.
No, it’s not THE k20 vs these motors … Vlad makes the titles sound like that, what it says is K20= me k-20power and he just puts K20 making it sound like i said the motor is better than VW, which i didn’t ever.
thank you /thread.
But this way it’s so much more fun? :lol
Sorry, but yeh it’s my mistake, it was K20power member VS Vw brand.
K20 > * and it never loses in a race… we should all know this by now
Same with the SRT-4 thread, made it sound like i said it was the best motor, now this one…which brings douchebags like granmassa out :thumb :cool
My bad joe but still i couldve seen you saying that :nod :lol
Unless K20 races a K20, then it rips the space time continuum, and they disapear from this planet.
Alright I’ll stop.
I might limit the fun in this thread, since it pretty much turned into K20 bashing and it’s sort of my fault, I split it just to keep the other thread somewhat ontopic.
So try to keep it to proving that VW motors are not junk, which 1stgen has done pretty well or this will get waaaay offtrack.
I’m gonna fuse two K20s together with nos and have the baddest V8 evAr!!!
I’m sorry but I just LOL’ed at that in the middle of the class of 500 student class and teacher gave me a wierd look :crackup
Still running my 2.0 bottom end i bought in 92’. It’s been auto-x, tracked, beat on, boosted and ran hard. Still running in the scirocco right now. No it’s never been rebuilt, has arp hardware thats it.
Have we all forgot about the Atom Car? Engine: K20 Supercharged, this car from the factory beats bikes on the road course, crazy.
yeah but supercharge any motor and put in on an oversized go-kart and i bet you it dose really well against any bike
i bet a supercharge SMARTcar motor wouldn’t beat shit
That little mitsubishi 3 cyl is good for nothing but gas mileage