K22 pwns...[haters, take a seat]

Its basically a drag car. It is enough power to get it into the 8s. Thats about it. Id say its cool id you’re into that kind of thing… :tong

nahh man not my car…Doing something similar though minus the IPS manifold and block etc.

Not really, I’m sure the guy isn’t driving it everywhere dig racing on the street…Monster at the track = not a waste

I don’t dream of Hondas sorry! :haha

too bad the k series isnt rwd.

F20/22c :excited

No. not the same… at all.

:nuts Thats almost twice the hp you need to go 10’s.

Someone should jam that thing into an S2000, make it get traction, and watch it do backflips.

I know
I was just stating a badass rwd engine


it kinda seems like Joey’s been on clubrsx a bit too much as of late :nana

what did it top out at? CLM hatch GSR made 943@42psi same turbo.

drive wheels same as direction-changing wheels = fail

Sometimes I wonder how people get so caught up in specific chassis’ to spend this kind of time and money on them, when you have such better more efficient choices out there. This is not a dig at Honda’s specifically, just people who chase HUGE builds on cars that are not ideal for the end usage.

Personal Preferance?

If it worked out that way wed all be driving 1000hp GT-R’s ZR1’s and supras