Hey Im currently peicing together parts to turbo my de, Theres alot of choices for exhaust manifolds for it, im not on a strict budget but i need something in a reasonable price range. I plan on using a t3 and making around 200whp-240whp… thank you
Yeah i’m looking for one too. I think that quality is the most important though, it may be expensive to get a good quality one but at least you know that it will not crack. I found manifolds on these 2 sites, and they seem to be of good quality… however, i haven’t seen reviews on the ka-t manifold from import auto performance, but it seems good.
ka-t’s manifold design looks like the best one ive seen, but $749 USD without shipping is way to rich for my blood. Everything is expensive but if your looking to make as much power as ivan is making, thats probably where you could start… I’m probably gonna end up buying boostdesigns mani + dp combo
Yeah i know, its pretty expensive… however, the other place… import performance’s manifold looks not bad and its $599, looks pretty solid as well. However, I haven’t heard any reviews. I have heard some bad things about boost designs making their manifolds to go along with only their stuff. so i’m not sure if just buying the manifold from bd is a good idea, but their price is quite reasonable for a manifold though.
J&R is gonna be making a manifold for a sohc . Total cost gonna be 400 ish depending . I am gonna be using a t4 housing and an external wastegate .
2 weeks to make it and no shipping require. I actually like that idea because if anyting happen you can just drive there :lol: .
local mus be nice, i wish this was like socal so i could walk to a shop and buy a mani lol, what about the cast iron rev hard manifold? any body hear any experiences with it? rev hards site says its for 95+ why cant i bolt it up to my 92 de
I’ve seen the KA-T manifold Bing can get… A friend in town has bought one from him.
For the price. You cannot go wrong. All I would do is spend time in on the inside with a die-grinder or dremil tool. And if your really anal and have access to a Tig you can go over the welds if your worried about it cracking perhaps.