Kanye West - Graduation

I heard most of it, I thought it sucked. Every Kanye album that comes out has one or two decent beats, the rest is filler nonsense. Yet, somehow it is critically acclaimed. I don’t get it, he’s referred to as the savior of hip-hop. KRS would pound his teeth into his throat.

50 Cent is even worse…shitty beats, shitty label, shitty crew, awful lyrics, tasteless vitamin water, need I go on?

As far as underground goes…

R.A. The Rugged Man FTW

The new kanye cd is decent, curtis is also decent. didnt buy either but if it came down to it i would buy the kanye cd over anything out right now

i don’t want be main stream;

i want to piss in it

he ain’t frontin

have you ever heard his fist group- crustified dibs?

nope, you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head.

chris rock’s rap music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9A2I-X7b-w

i laugh laugh laugh everytime i watch it. hip hop vs. rap

I was curious about this CD, but would never buy it. I’m a computer moron so I don’t know any good site to download or where to start.

but I CAN get onto Pittspeed.com!!

you’re crazy…

the common is WAY better then the kanye.

same with the Pharoahe Monch CD