Karma is a bitch for Chris Hansen.

I just posted the other day about the people(the govt in that case) with cameras not being smart enough to know it goes both ways. Nice to see big brother AND little brother being stung. :tup:

I am in no way defending the scum he stings.

I was going to do some charity work this month, but now I’m afraid I’ll be stricken with cancer from karma. :scratch: :slight_smile:

Yeah, thread title is inaccurate.


ok, tried changing. Dont mind me.

To quote my favorite song by Alanis Morrisette, “isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?”

<33 I love Alanis Morrisette.


Chris Hansen is still a B.A. in my book. Just gettin’ a little booty on the side. I bet he’s into like S&M shit.

That damn song taught an entire generation of morons to use that word incorrectly.

Fixed :slight_smile: