Karma is a bitch for Chris Hansen.

Saw this on the interweb this morning when I got to work. Chris Hansen I would have guessed would have been the last person to be caught on tape. Sucks to be him!

Chris Hansen, ‘To Catch a Predator’ Host, Caught Cheating by Hidden Cameras


Oh, the irony … It’s been reported that Chris Hansen, host of ‘To Catch a Predator,’ the controversial ‘Dateline’ show that uses hidden cameras to trap would-be perverts in sting operations, has been caught cheating on his wife … in a sting operation using hidden cameras.

According to ‘The Daily Mail’ Hansen found himself on the receiving end of his own hidden camera tactics after the married NBC anchor was secretly filmed on an illicit date with a blonde television reporter 20 years his junior.

He was the subject of a four-month long sting operation conducted by ‘The National Enquirer’ after he allegedly began an affair with former NBC intern Kristyn Caddell, a 30-year-old Florida journalist.

The Connecticut-based Hansen has been spending more time in South Florida recently for work, reportedly investigating the disappearance of James “Jimmy T” Trindade for ‘Dateline.’

Hansen has worked for NBC for two decades, but became famous with ‘To Catch a Predator.’ Launched in 2005, the show is devoted to the subject of identifying and detaining those who contact people they believe to be below the age of consent over the Internet for sexual liaisons.

The show’s producers work with online watchdog Perverted-Justice, whose volunteers pose as underage girls offering sex on the Internet. But when the potential sexual predators arrive to meet the girls, they find themselves confronted by Hansen, his film crew and sometimes the police.

Neither Hansen nor NBC has yet commented publicly on the alleged affair.


El oh el.

This is hilarious. SO much irony here.

ha, awesome.

Judge: Mr. Hansen, why don’t you have a seat over there…



At least she was 30, not 15.

Last I checked it wasn’t illegal to cheat on you wife, just a shitty thing to do

Is Adultery legal in his state?

Yeah, I don’t get how it’s karma either. He’s having problems now because he helped catch child predators?

Yeah I know haha but its still funny.

You’d have to be retarded to think there is a direct comparison between adultery and raping little kids.

regardless, this is fucking hilarious and still incredibly ironic.

^ This

Epic taste of own medicine. WAH WAH WAHHHHHH!

hahahha nice

so the guy catches pedos for a living. +1
he cheats on his wife and is caught. -1

net effect, nothing. Ironic, yes. Karma, not at all. Now had his children been saved by capturing some dude he caught, that’d be karma.

Karma as in he was capturing people on video doing things wrong and now gets a taste by being caught on tape doing something wrong as well. regardless the differences, they were both caught on tape.

meh, cheating on your wife, raping little kids. All the same in my book


Misdemeanor vs felony in the state’s book.