
whos got them, how do you like it… I has looking at one so I can run Irish gold at home…

My roommates in NC have one very similar the pic above. THey got it from the home depot for around $500 or so. Worked just fine.

I used to have one in my garage when I lived in NY. It was great. You go through a lot of CO2 though.

there is a company on camp rd in hamburg that sells bargain shit like scratch and dent. They had that exact unit for like $200. It is right across from superior auto sales

i made my out of a standup freezer. I put an adjustable thermostat on there and its set to abouy 27 degrees. I love it!

i got the kit @ kegworks and no need for shipping becuase there right out of buffalo!

kegworks +1

Some bro-dudes of mine got theirs there.

we used to sell those things when i worked at the fortuna shithole.

Made by haier.

If you buy a regular fridge, and buy a tap kit for it, and drill the top it is the exact same thing for way cheaper.

They sell mini fridges, but when they call it a kegerator it costs a shitload more.

What is the question?

I’ve both made them, and bought them. Depends on your budget. You can build one for under $200. If you drink a fair ammount of beer, it is FAR cheaper over the long run. And you don’t “go through a lot of CO2”. If you are replacing your tank with every keg or two then something is wrong with your setup.

MOST mini fridges out there will not fit a keg inside. That is one of the main reasons that they cost more than a typical mini fridge. They have to relocate the condensor, cooling plate, etc so that you can sit that big boy on the ground and still close the door.

i get 4-5 kegs outta one 5lb tank of co2

how long does beer stay good for in a keg?

Yeah the unit I had was massively old and I only got like 1 keg out of every 5lb tank of CO2. It was the only lame part about it. I miss sitting on my jetski on its trailer and enjoying icey cold beer from the keggerator. tear

Up to 2 months, but who is that big of a puss?

:word: anything longer then a week and there something wrong

We had a home made one when I lived at UB, it was a half height mini fridge, just barely fit a quarter keg. The coupler just barely cleared the cooling plate.

It was great always having beer on tap. Not having empties pile up is nice too.

It just shifts from empties to dirty pint glasses… although not in quite the volume I suppose