
Doesnt new chic work thier?

yep that’s where she works

that lady has a reputation around here… The article makes her seem nice.

taht’s my building in the back on the right… go me! ! !


Where do you work? Are they hiring?

are you saying this woman slept with people to get to the top? Or she just a cunt that steps on people to get where she is at without consideration or care…

UMMMMMMMMMM !!! Actually I didn’t say any of the above… She has reputation for being a brutal bitch… She comes across more aggressive than the males in her ranking.

Thats what I was asking. Brutal Bitch would rank up there with Cunt without regard to others…

She has only been at Kennametal for less than a year… I don’t think she has stepped on anyone to my knowledge… but… she went thru a secretary pretty darn quick.

in the silver and black building on the other side of the kaufmanns garage.

always hiring… just depends for what…

Does Ron Keating still work at Kennametal?

yes he does… You know him right? he is ranked as a VIP in our ticket system.

ya…thats the Ex’s father